In-Plant and Commercial Printers’ Strategic Initiatives Over the Next Five Years

August 26, 2015 Unknown 0 Comments

Info Trends recently produced a study entitled U.S. Production Software Investment Survey 2015.  In this study, commercial print service providers and corporate in-plants were surveyed about their strategic business direction. The 120 respondents revealed both similarities and differences worth noting.  The survey, which also included questions about software usage and purchase intentions, as well as services offered, included a key question:  “Which initiatives best describe your strategic business direction in the next five years?”

Both the in-plant providers and commercial printers selected the following as top initiatives:
  • Reducing production cost and improving efficiency
  • Expanding to new print applications or services
  • Focusing on growing existing core offerings

It is not surprising that both in-plant and commercial printers see reducing manufacturing costs as a top priority.  This strategy was selected by 81.4% of corporate in-plant printers as a key initiative of their business strategy and it was the second most selected initiative by the commercial printers at 57.1%.  It is also clearly imperative that both groups must expand their offerings to new applications and services in order to grow over the next five years as print volumes decline.  
Commercial printers also recognize the need to focus on specific vertical markets and industries.  In fact, this initiative was chosen by the highest percentage of commercial printer survey respondents with 67.5% choosing this strategy as one of their top three strategies over the 5-year period.  This movement is in line with the recommendation Barb Pellow, Group Director at Info Trends, has made in her presentations over the years.  Similarly, in the book, “The Winning Performance: How America’s high-growth Midsize companies succeed” authors D.K. Clifford Jr. and R.E. Cavanaugh say, “Midsize high-growth companies succeed by identifying and meeting the needs of certain kinds of customers – not all customers – for specific kinds of products and services. Business academics call this market segmentation, entrepreneurs call it common sense.”

For more information on how to achieve the top ranking initiatives of in-plant and commercial printers as noted in the Info Trends study, contact Repro Products.  One of our staff business consultants will perform a business analysis and assist you in creating a plan to work more efficiently, expand your offerings and market your services more effectively.

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